Renowned Japanese watsu expert, Junko Fujita joins Patina Maldives for an exclusive residency. Junko Fujita will be joining Patina from March 15th to April 15th, 2024 to elevate the guest experience at the resort.
Originating from Okinawa, Japan, Junko Fujita epitomizes a legacy of healing. With over 14 years of immersive dedication to the art of Watsu, she arrives at Patina as a beacon of transformative wellness. During her residency at Patina Maldives, guests will have the privilege of immersing themselves in the therapeutic oasis crafted by Junko Fujita. Each private session with Wastu is set to be a bespoke experience. As part of Patina Maldives’ ongoing commitment to holistic wellness, guests will also have the opportunity to experience Shiatsu and Acupuncture with Yuki Nisjikubo from May 15 to June 15.
Watsu Therapy With Junko Fujita
Watsu Therapy is a symphony of massages, stretches and meditation conducted for relaxation and rejuvenation. Therapists typically conduct this form of therapy amidst the serene embrace of warm waters. Junko Fujita’s mastery is Watsu therapy promises an unparalleled fusion of traditional Japanese healing practices and contemporary therapeutic techniques.
In addition to this, Patina Maldives has announced additional exciting offerings at the resort as well!